You’re Invited to our 2021 Annual Meeting

The 2021 Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 25th at 6:00 p.m. online. The Annual Meeting is our way of letting members know how we did in 2020. All members are welcome to attend, we hope to see you there! Click here to learn more about the online event.
2020 Board of Directors Nominees
» Michael Fraser, Incumbent
Michael had a 45-year career in non-profit and public district health care administration, including serving as CEO at multiple hospitals and as a consultant. He enjoys serving community benefit organizations, including the Rotary Club of Lake Oswego. Michael serves on the board for Willamette View and is the immediate past Board Chair.
» Keith Galitz, Incumbent
Retired President and CEO of Canby Telecom & Mount Angel Telephone (now known as DirectLink), Keith has 36 years’ experience in the broadband, telecommunications, and entertainment industry. He’s the past President of the Rotary Club of Canby, serves on the Board of Trustees of George Fox University and the University Board Executive Committee.