Getting Through This Together

A recent news report showed a neighborhood where Italians were on their balconies applauding to express their thankfulness for medical workers amid the coronavirus outbreak. It was a heartwarming display of gratitude in one of the areas of the world hit hardest by COVID-19. In the midst of hardship, people were joining together to support one another and collectively take on something that they could not face alone.
Similarly, credit unions were created so regular people could help each other out. People helping people has been the credit union mantra for many years and doing more of that in the weeks, months, and years to come is our plan here at Clackamas.
During this time of quarantines and social distancing, it is understandable that you may feel isolated or overwhelmed. We’d like to take a moment to reflect on some of the things we all can do to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe:
Do your best to stay calm.
It’s normal to feel uneasy in times like these, but don’t panic. This is going to be a rocky time, but focus on the long term. We made it through the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Super Storm Sandy, and the Great Recession. We’ll bounce back. Focus on one day at a time.
Stay in touch with loved ones.
Few things can lift your spirits like a chat with a friend. Call someone you know who might be lonely and offer support. Video chat with someone you miss. Helping others is one of the best ways to keep worry at bay.
Be wary of fraud.
There are bad players out there who will try to capitalize on this situation. Be vigilant and remember that we will never solicit your personal or account information through an email, text message on your mobile phone, or phone call. From time to time, Clackamas may send you text messages to alert you of important information.
Limit potential exposure.
Remember to continue practicing social distancing, wash your hands frequently, and follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Oregon Health Authority.
Be mindful of resources.
It is always a good idea to be prepared for emergencies by having food, water, supplies, and some cash on hand. Unfortunately, some people are panic buying and making unneeded cash withdrawals. Buying more than what you need puts some families in a tight spot while they wait for shelves to be restocked. Credit cards, debit cards, and ATMs will continue to work as they always have. Having huge amounts of cash at home is unnecessary and could be a security risk.
Bank from wherever you are.
Learn more about our online and mobile banking features, so you can do your banking from almost anywhere 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have online and mobile tools to help you check balances, make transfers and loan payments, deposit checks and apply for new services from wherever you happen to be.
Stay informed. Watch for updated information from Clackamas. Check our COVID-19 page for updates, check your email, and follow us on social media to keep up to date on our response to the coronavirus outbreak.